They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Haa!
Ho ho, heehee, haha, they're coming to take me away!!!
I'm not sure what these things are supposed to be, but they've been popping up at bakeries all across the U.S. lately. Could the carrot jockeys have some competition on their hands?
"Soon, your race of sugar-craving giant sloths shall be OURS. Thaaat's right, we're cute, aren't we? You want to take us hooome, and show us all your financial staaaatements."
These guys are going less for "cute" and more for "mortal terror":

We're Popped-Eyes, the sailor blobs,
You won't want to finish,
'Cuz we taste like spinach,
We're Popped-Eyes the sailor blobs!"
(Now we get to find out which of you were around in the 60s. Let the age-determining comments begin!)
UPDATE: The general consensus seems to be these are "frog cakes". More info here.
UPDATE UPDATE: No, they're not supposed to be Bob from Monsters vs Aliens. What, you think I would miss a kids' movie tie-in? Give me a little credit, eh?