[adjusting glasses] October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a time to raise awareness, celebrate our survivors, and work together towards finding a cure for this horrible disease.
And also butcher some pink ribbon cakes.
Like so:
Here's the thing: you have THREE PLASTIC PINK RIBBONS ON THE CAKE. All you had to do was copy ONE of them. That's it. It's a loop. ONE LOOP. And what did you do? Well, honestly, I have no idea what you did. What is that? A folding chair? A bow? A naked person's heiny?Maybe if the Wreckerator only had to draw a ribbon on the cake...
Ah, now here is someone who has mastered the art of the one-loop ribbon!

Survior: (n) one who surves.
"I would like to surve this Canadian gosling. Please pass the peanut butter."
Note to Wreckerators: When celebrating the successful vanquishing of tumors, it is never a good idea to put tumors on the cake. Please add this to the training manual. Right under "No more edible cancer rats for fundraisers."
Thanks to my breast Wreckporters Dorei, Sarah D., Beth, & Chelsi. You guys rock. Please pass the peanut butter.