It probably started innocently enough.
"Hey, let's add a little stuffed rattle to this design, as a free bonus!'"
"We all know how much babies like cake!"Now, despite the fact that this design requires
no decorating skills whatsoever, it does have the fatal flaw of being a cupcake cake.
[hawww ptooiee!] Which means, more often than not, you're going to get something like
this instead:
"What the heck is it?""Who cares? Look, a free baby rattle!'
So, they nixed the CCCs and started putting the little stuffed toys on mini-cakes:
The vicious Venus Monkey Trapcake snares another victim.Then they really started to mess with us.

1) Just how big
is this cake?
2) Conversely, how tiny is that stuffed lamb?
3) Whichever it is, did the Wreckerator really think that lamb effectively "filled the space?"
4) Why put a baby's stuffed animal on an engagement cake, anyway? It has nothing do to with the design! It's like the cake was being wheeled past and the little guy just hopped on Bruce Willis style, riding it out to freedom while the building exploded around him.
(Ok, that last bit could be wishful thinking on my part.)
Of course, just when you think a little stuffed lamb might be appropriate, like on a baby shower cake, they go and do this:

That is
solid icing, y'all. "Suprise!" indeed.
(Yes, I know "suprise" is spelled wrong.)
But getting back to the stuffed animals: like goldfish, these things are growing to fill their containers:

Sensible? Sanitary? Sane?
But perhaps the most important question of all is: When future generations look back on the day the "fake fur fiber fad" began, will
this be one of Wikipedia's illustrations?
"With its high levels of sugar, fat, and 'colon-cleansing synthetic fiber', the Plush & Flush Diet soon became an overnight sensation in the U.S." Bill B., Caryn C., Becky, Lisa Z., Kristen F., Allie C., & Emily B., more on point (ballerina pun ftw!), when do they start plopping Xbox 360's on these things, with little icing borders? "That'll be $467.39, please. Oh, and if you want games, then you have to buy the cupcakes separate."
- Related Wreckage: Phony