Let's Just Stick with "Happy Falker Satherhood"
We here at Cake Wrecks would like to wish all of you dads out there the happiest of Father's Days this weekend.
Just as soon as we figure out how.
Of course, getting the inscription right is only half the battle:

(Also, you've got to love the not-so-subtle "Making of Me" "rug" there. Way to acknowledge the paternal contribution, Wreckerators!)
Now, kids, when ordering your Daddy a cake, try to emphasize his positive qualities.
Carrie G., Erin H., Brady M., Ro W., Vangie B., Elisabeth K., & Katie, you've made your dads proud today. Unless, of course, you've never managed to measure up to his expectations, and he just doesn't understand you. In that case, this probably hasn't made much difference either way.