Inside The Twisted Mind Of john

And so I says to her, I says, "Hey lady! Let me give you a HAND with that!"

nancy le.lw.nail polish bday.jpg


laura cro.ow.vday monster.jpg
sahara hil.lw.little mermaid.jpg
laura cro.ow.vday monster2.jpg
sahara hil.lw.little mermaid1.jpg
laura cro.ow.vday monster3.jpg

Thanks to Nancy L., Laura C., & Sahara H. for letting me get that out. I feel muuuuch better now.


P.S. With summer nearly upon us, don't you think it's about time to swap out your shower curtain for something more seasonally appropriate? Like this?

Space Cat Fabric Shower Curtain

The longer you look, the better it gets. :D (THAT'S NO MOON.)


And from my other blog, Epbot: