Pro Tip For Wedding Cakes: Don't Have A Cow

Wait, it's Bad Poetry Day again? Don't we have like 6 of these every year?

Not that I'm complaining: I will happily torture you with my Vogon Entry Level verse any time, ya hoopy froods.

A-hem hem hem.

A-phlegm phlegm phlegm.


Thank you, thank you very much.



My best wishes

wouldn't include a field of dirty snow

Would you(R)s?


::starts beatboxing::

Seven eyeballs!

Seven eggs!

Seven flowers 

With sticky legs!


Wickee wickeee WOO

::mic drop::


Udderly bovine

Cow sweet and Moo-ving!

Think we should tip?



Something exploded on this cake

Of this I know not what to make: 


Was it fruit, was it dough?

Wouldn't YOU like to know

For $40 I'll make you a plate


 You'll have your LOOKS

Your pretty face!

And don't forget the importance of...



Thanks to Caki Z., Channing F., Chelsea C., Carolyn, & Lauren W. for the poetry in motionless shock.

P.S. You know what's more fun than writing bad poetry? Reading your cat's mind:

Phrenology Cat Ceramic Bust & Booklet


And from my other blog, Epbot: