You Might Be A Wreckerator If...

Bakers, do you worry that you, too, might be a wreckerator?

Well, have no fear, pastry pros! There are plenty of warning signs to look for:


You Might Be A Wreckerator If....

- consider "happy" a four-letter word.


- ...your cakes have more plastic on them than frosting.


- ...when you say, "I could just eat you up!" to a baby, you really mean it.

"It's...looking at me."
"Ugly little spud, isn't it?"
"I think it can hear you, Ray."


- ...cupcake cakes are your "specialty."


- ...your family crest says, "Spell check is for loosers."



 - not only know what this is, you think it's well done:


-'re frequently asked what time the earthquake hit.


- pride yourself on following customer requests to the letter:


And finally, you might be a wreckerator if... have to ban photography in your bakery to stop your cakes from showing up on Cake Wrecks.


Thanks to Kimber, Amy S., Lori M., Carrie M., Whitney, Mary Rose, Liz, Stephanie B., Lisa R., & JR, who think it'd make more sense to just hire better bakers, but that's why they're not "good" management material.


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Wedding Wrecks, Vol. 379

The wrecky forces-that-be have smiled upon us once more, dear minions.




Here's what Daisy had in mind when she ordered her mini cake and cupcake tower:


But instead...


Oooh, you guys, I feel a bucket list item coming up:

This is it! THIS IS IT.

Ahem hem hem.

Q: What's black-and-white and wrecked all over?



(Sorry, Kelly.)


And finally, behold the elegant glory of the cake Kassandra ordered for a whopping $750:

Oooh, you've got good taste, Kassandra.


...but terrible luck with bakers:



Here's how I imagine Kassandra's baker dropped off the cake:

"My work here... IS DONE."


Thanks to brides Daisy E., Kelly J., & Kassandra for reminding us wedding wreckage is serious business.


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