The Dora Dilemma
"Hi, I'd like to order this Dora cake, please."
"No problem!"
[a few minutes later]
"Here you go: one Dora cake!"
"Um, that's not really the same... and where are the toys?"
"What toys?"
"The toys that come with the Dora cake!"
"Oh, THOSE toys. Haha! I thought you were making a pun. I don't have those toys."
"Well, which toys do you have?"
"Er...Let's see...I have the ones for this cake:"
"Ok, that's fine. Just make me one of those, then."
"Okey dokey!"
"Here you go! As you can see, I included the toys!"
"But, that looks nothing like the picture! Look, I don't mean to complain, but all these delays are really putting me behind schedule, and the party is in an hour, and I have so much to do, and I just can't seem to get ahead!" [sob]
"Say no more, my good man! I will take care of everything.
"Here we go! See? I told you I'd take care of it!"
"Why? What's in the box?"
[sniffle] "Fine. I'll take it."
Thanks to Vickie F., Ashley H., & Bryon B. for helping us finally get a head.