Princess Show & Sell
The princesses are back, eager to show you their new castle!
You know what they say: "One princess' doorbell is another man's ding-dong."
Hey! Snow White! HANDS OFF!
Thank you.
They also want to show off their finger painting:
And their... crown?
Let's go with crown.
And whatever this thing is:
(I'm guessing "royal spider smasher.")
Hey, ever seen a reeeeally long hairball?
Thanks, Rapunzel.
Some of them even got new dresses!
I guess that's one way to be the ball of the Belle.
Of course, not all princesses are DISNEY princesses.
In fact, may I be frank?
So just remember, ladies: you're never too old... be a priscess.
Thanks to Anony M., Wendy, Kimberly C., Stephanie H., Vanessa C., Carissa B., Marjorie R., Stephanie H., & Heather for that priceless priscess.
P.S. This series looks awesome and I like Shannon Hale, any of you know it?
The Princess In Black (6 Book Set)
And from my other blog, Epbot: